Cognition360 has over 100 premade reports and views and that can get a little overwhelming. We thought you might want to see the top reports currently used by our Partners today. We suggest mastering these reports first and then diving into new ones as you mature in your Cognition360 Journey.
Here are the top 10 reports used by our Partners today:
1. Team Utilization
Utilization and realization data for teams and team staff. Trending over the last 12 months and comparison by team staff.
2. Agreement Profitability
Profitability of agreements with tracking over time of the agreement value changes versus actual labor. Report also shows trends on monthly Margins and Billing (Effective) rates.
3. Project Profitability
Profit reporting for projects. Shows Closed and Active data, across labor and overall project profit.
4. Project Summary
View active or closed projects across your organization, project manager or customer. See data on which projects are running on track for budget and those which are not. Drill through to project phase, ticket and labor data. Report also shows information on active project scheduled resources and resource schedules across all projects. This allows you to plan resources for future projects.
5. Agreement Renewals
View showing which agreements have ended in the last 30 days, are ending in the next 30 days, are ending in the next 31-90 days. Based on the value of the End Date of the agreement. Plus, any agreement that is close to a yearly anniversary.
6. Time Entry Benchmark
Report showing the benchmark value for Time Entry Quality. This benchmark is the lowest either the Timeliness or Utilization values for the period selected. Report details by time entries the reason for the timeliness score so that users can see how they can improve their scores. Overlap time data is also available in this report.
7. Technology Business Review
Use this report for your QBR, XBR, SBR with your clients. High level reporting for Tickets, Service, Client Satisfaction, Agreements, and Projects. Filter by client and export to a PowerPoint to review with your clients. Review Recommendations on Open Opportunities. Notes for clarification Labor minutes include Billable, Non-Billable, and No Charge time.
8. Agreement Invoice Comparison
Review agreement invoicing for last, current and next period. See which agreements are showing differences, allows the user to quickly review month on month differences ahead of billing to customers.
9. Common Issues
Analyze common issues your organization is working on over a selected date range compared to the last 12 months. Across ticket Type, Subtype and Item for tickets and labor (hours/Costs).
10. Ticket KPIs
Shows ticket KPIs and metrics for Closed tickets over a selected period. Filters available on Business Unit and Board. Data views for Business Unit, Board, Customer and Technician who resolved the ticket.