Author: Marnel Catlett
Report explanation - Time Entry Benchmark report.
Please note - All report examples are based on our Demo data. Any similarities are purely coincidental
The Time Entry Benchmark report uses a series of processing rules to classify each time entry with a score between 0.0 and 1.0. The following Time Entry Quality Rules article outlines those rules.
This report shows you how well your team is capturing their labor (Time Entries) in ConnectWise. It measures:
timeliness (how quickly did they capture the labor after the event ended)
rounding (through analysis of the data we have discovered that the longer it takes for a person to enter the labor, the less accurate the data becomes. Also, individuals who capture the labor after time has passed have a tendency to round the time up.
Shows the benchmark rating against the Industry Standard for time entry.
The Benchmark Rating (Item 1) is made up of two metrics. Hours recorded (Utilization) vs. Timeliness.
The Benchmark for high performing MSP's (Item 2) is around 90% and is based on profitability and good time entry scores (speed to entry)
1 is the Benchmark Rating gauge
2 is the Industry Standard
3 is the selection pane - selection changes here changes data and visuals across all pages.
4 shows Benchmark rating trends.
5 (radial buttons) allows only one item to be selected.
Immediate Entry - level Minutes (Standard setting for MSP's)
Same Day or Next Morning - level Daily (Consultancy / Field or Project Based)
Same Week or the Next Monday AM - level Weekly (Helpful as a starting point for MSP's where time entry habits aren't as mature)
6 (check boxes) select either or none
Only Show Staff <20% of="of" available="Available" time="Time" entered="Entered" (if="(If" neither="neither" these="these" boxes="boxes" are="are" checked,="checked," we="we" will="will" see="see" the="the" average="average" all="all" staff,="staff," below)="below)"></20%>
Only Show Staff 20% of Available Time Entered (By selecting this item, we remove all staff with less than 20% of their available time captured. This allows us to get a better view of team performance if we have outliers within the team (i.e. management)
Timeliness Quality
This page allows us to drill down into the details of the Benchmark page.
At the top of the page we have our filters again.
You may recall that in our Benchmark page, we show the lowest of two metrics as our Benchmark rating (Item 1 from the Benchmark page.)
In the Timeliness Quality report, we now show these two measures and the score achieved for both.
1 is the timeliness rating - You can see that your staff is above the industry benchmark for capturing labor in a timely fashion.
2 shows the Recorded hours rating. You can now see that this is where your team is lacking.
You can now focus on coaching to address specific behaviors to drive improvement. This takes the guess work out of where our performance opportunities lies.
3 shows your Benchmark Timeliness trends. It is now really easy to start monitoring your team's improvement (or lack thereof) with regards to time capturing habits and adherence to process.
4 gives you the breakdown of each individual, their recorded hours, available hours and billable hours.
5 gives you each individual's timeliness score and the numbers that makes up that score.
By using the filters at the top of the page you can further drill down into each individual team or team member. Any filters applied at this level will reflect on the entire report (all pages)
By filtering the pages down to individual level you are able to have valuable conversations with each member with accurate and up to date data reflecting their efforts.
Prepping for reviews and meetings has never been easier!
From the example below, we can see that Adolfo Shephard has an exemplary recorded hours rating but that he could improve on his timeliness (time to entry)
You can also simply click on the employee name in the tables to filter the page and visuals only. These filters are cleared when you change pages. To un-filter, simply click the name again.
The beauty of this report (as in most reports is that we can drill down / drill through to more data so that we can better analyze what the data is telling us.
The ability to get to all of the data (including accessing the ConnectWise ticket information from the link provided) allows conversations to happen when they are needed. No need to spend hours analyzing tickets so that you can have those One on One conversations.
The habit of capturing time late could have a direct impact on our reported profitability due to the accuracy of time recorded against agreement.
Click on the back button to go back to the report page.
By clicking on a team name, all visuals filters to that specific team.
Similarly, clicking on a specific individual will filter to their results only.
As mentioned before, simply click again to unselect.
Recorded Hours
Similar to earlier pages, this page gives us the ability to drill down to teams and team members' individual timekeeping records.
Total Recorded Hours is the same as Utilized hours (See glossary) - All time recorded in CW Manage. This can be against a ticket or charge code or an activity.
Available Hours refers to Staff available hours (See glossary) Are the Available hours less any PTO recorded. This is the actual hours that this person was available for work.
Billable Hours (See glossary) Any time that is recorded a customer ticket, (which excludes internal tickets and any work against charge codes) and is Billable. Of the time recorded (realized) how much of that is billable.
Timeliness Analysis
Similar to the data in the drill down in Timeliness Quality, this page allows you to delve deeper into the time capturing habits of teams and team members.
Use the filter at the top of the page to select individual records or simply click on a technician's name to filter the page.
Overlapping Time
This page of the report is useful to see who is recording multiple time entries over the same period of time. For instance, If a technician is installing software on one ticket, and while they are waiting, they set up a user account on another ticket then their time entries will overlap.
This is a great use of time and multitasking - at times however, this can become problematic.
An example of this would be if a person logs a time entry under a charge code (e.g. ticket admin) and then they do multiple tickets at the same time, and do not deduct time from the charge code time. That time will inflate their actual time spent working.
When you look at the next entry, you can see that the overlapping time also included non billable time. Therefore you would expect to see a deduction.
The rest of the pages are not covered in this report as they require additional explanation.
Please contact if you would like to learn more about these pages in the report)
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