CW Manage Database Server Change

Marnel Catlett
Marnel Catlett
  • Updated
See what is required to maintain data synchronization to Cognition360 when you move the CW Manage database to a new server


When you need to move your CW Manage database to a new or different server. The following process needs to be followed. This will only impact on premise instances of CW Manage that have the Cognition360 windows service installed.


The Cognition360 windows service maintains a set of compare files on your server where it is installed. These files are used in the incremental synchronization process to ensure we only get your changes (Inserts/Updates/Deletes) when the service runs. 


Below are the steps that need to be followed when doing the CW Manage move:


  • Contact Support to inform us of the move, we will need to disable your synchronization while the move is taking place.

  • Stop the Cognition360 service on the current CW server.

  • Install the Cognition360 service on the new CW server. You can download the service from Cognition360 Downloads | Cognition 360 Help Center

  • You will need your Organizations service Keys to complete the installation. The OrganizationToken and Security Key values can be obtain from Support

  • Start the newly installed Cognition360 service and check the logs folder is created (this will be located in the folder path where the Service was installed). Check the CompleteLog.txt for any errors. If there are errors please email Support the log file to review.

  • Copy the Cognition360 service Compare files and folder from the previous CW Manage server to the new CW Mange server. The folders and files to copy are in located at ..\Compare\CWManage

  • Over write any folders or files on the new CW Manage server.

  • Ensure the read write permissions on the Compare folder are set so that users of the folder have read write permissions. These permissions will need to be propagated to the subfolders.

  • Please ensure the SQL user, that runs the Cognition360 service, is set up in the new SQL Server and has db_datereader access to your production CW Manage database. The SQL user needs to be set up on the Master database. With permissions set to the CW Manage database from that user.

  • Stop and Start the service on the new CW Manage server.

  • Contact Support to inform us that the change is complete. We will turn your synchronization back on and check the data is flowing correctly.


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